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Aptex Software, Inc

Convectis is an intelligent, real-time document categorization server forhigh-volume applications. It analyzes and categorizes incoming documentstreams to provide automated content classification. Convectis workswith text from multiple sources, including Web pages and Web responseforms, email, wire service documents, Internet discussion group threads,scanned faxes and other OCR documents. After analysis, any combinationof full text and Convectis summaries, categories and keywords can bedispatched based on user preferences, published online, or stored in datawarehouses. Convectis category judgments can also be used to selectautomated responses to customer emails and Web response forms. Convectisuses proprietary Aptex neural networks and Context Vectors to understandthe information in text. By reading sample documents, Convectis learnsthe relationships between individual words, and later uses theserelationships to correlate incoming documents with both pre-determinedcategories and naturally occurring topics.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.3,2.4,2.5

Aptex Software, Inc
9605 Scranton Rd Ste 240
San Diego, CA 21212
Phone: 6196230554
Fax: 6196230558